Trust Your Child’s Future & Support with Our Experienced Attorneys
Family Legal Centers, PLC
understands the level of importance, intensity and sensitivity child custody, support and parenting time cases
have, and provide comprehensive and dedicated attorney services to help with any of your child-related legal matters. Our attorneys are more than experienced, and knowledgeable to help navigate you through the legal system to help achieve the support your child needs and deserves. Every parent deserves time with their child, and Family Legal Centers, PLC will work diligently to achieve what is best for children involved in parental separation. Call our office today to schedule an appointment for an initial consultation with our lawyer.
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What We Cover When Working with Our Team
What determines custody issue decisions.
What options are available with different custody options.
Draft a parenting plan regarding school, activities, holidays and other details.
Determine and explain child support amounts and requirements.
Establish or contest paternity.
We Are Here For You
Family Legal Centers, PLC takes your child custody and support with the utmost importance and respect. Family is important. That is why our team is dedicated to achieving your goals during this tough and difficult time. Get the legal representation you and your child or children need and deserve.
ADDRESS: 24681 Northwestern Highway Suite 3219 Southfield Michigan 48075
Mon - Fri
Appointment Only
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